Tuesday, January 13, 2015

David & the Mighty eight

Chapter 2
The part of this chapter was about David and his older sister Mary had to move somewhere else because of the bombing and was starting to get dangerous for them to be there now as they started to get on the train to go to another family while the world war 2 was going on and David said to his mom come with us you'll be safe with us but David mom said no I cant  because I got to stay here so I can help your father at the war so David and Mary said there good byes and left to move on with there new life.   

Davis & the Mighty eight

Chapter 1
The first chapter of my book was about this boy named David and his family living while the world war 2 was going on and David dad war in the war he was flying one of the planes in the war and the rest of the family had to be safe and go to the bombing shelter when they start bombing.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

My Day

This morning was ok for I got up and did what I did what I had to do. And then I went in my room  to watch T.V and stuff but thats not it. I did other things like went on the laptop to do some homework. After that I help my dad to take his stuff down stares for his meeting then my day was about to end off good. So I thing it is but still you got to make the best of things live life while you can so do the best you can peace.

About My Winter Break

My winter break, I went over my friend house and then return home. I didn't do much but help my mother out with some work, and watch T.V.

Christmas I didn't get anything, but it doesn't matter because you have to be grateful, my Dad was laid off work so I know they can only keep up with necessities.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My Goal's 8-P

I'm trying to set myself for new goal's like I will do my chores more often. Do my homework cause I got so us to not doing homework that much and to improve my grade's. I am going to really try to be more respectful. To help out around the house more and help out my mom & dad.My last and final goal for 2015 is to pass the 8th grade and move on to high school. Get my master degree like my sister so I can make them proud of me and those are my gaol's for the year.

My last year goal's wore pretty simple but still hard for me to do but know I have progressed in doing better. And know for last year's goal's my first goal's wore to do better in my classes,stop playing around in class get better grades. Cause my old grades was not so good and last year I really needed to be way more responsible. Because I use to lose thing brake thing and all other stuff but that I'm older know and my mom trust me with stuff know. Because I have matured and showed her that I can be responsible know.